TZDservice provides full management and technical supply and all concerned services.
Between 2004 and 2011 the company serviced to the more than 9000 ships and have remarkable projects for the future development.
Repair and Maintenance
Our wide network of expert staff and contacts with selected local engineering companies guarantees competitive high quality standards on repair works large and small.
Dry Dockings and Repair
We have contracts with major dockyards in their regions to reduce costs of major repairs and provide expert supervision of all work.
Compliance Audits
TZDservice carries out audit planning, preparation and compliance for ISM and ISPS and all other statutory compliance requirements.
Ships Supply
Our network of first-class suppliers, workshops and marine service companies ensure that our principals consistently receive reliable and high-quality service possible price.
The high quality of TZDservice technical ship management is reflected in the company`s excellent loss prevention record which in turn strengthens the company`s insurance relationships and terms.